

Name : Aliyah Savira Arditha, Nanda Secha, Melati Christy Butar-Butar, Rosi Sulistya Class : Accounting C 2017 Bahasa Inggris Conversation Setting : At Wifi Id Corner Situation : Aliyah, Melati, Nanda and Rosi are classmates. After they back home from campus, they went to wifi id corner for discuss about food review. Aliyah : Hi guys! I have a good recommendation place for hang out, the foods are so affordable and so yummy! Nanda : What kind of that place? Rosi : Is it the famous cafe in Pontianak named Borneo foodie? Melati : Maybe yes, maybe no Aliyah : Nope, you guys are wrong Rosi : So, whats that? Nanda : Yeah, c'mon tell us. Aliyah : Hahaha you guys are so funny, the place is Shinjuku Street Food. Nanda, Rosi, Melati : Where's that? Aliyah : At Nusa Indah 3 Street. Here i have em photo's food. Because yesterday i was went there for food review. Nanda : Let me see! Let me see! Aliyah : Here...!(showing the photo) Rosi : Wow.... Its l
NAMA  : Anggita Febria Putri NIM      : B1031171119 TITLE   : Life hack that will save you a fortune

History of chaikue

Nama:adelia anggi pratiwi Nim:B1031171110

Cafe bertema Harry Potter di Pontianak

Nama : Nadya Talitha Hangdiani NIM   : B1031171146 My apologies for the late submit, Ms 🙏🙏🙏🙏

Nama : Dedi Supriadi NIM   : B1031171133 Title : KOTE PONTIANAK YouTube link :