My Favorite Cafe and My Favorite Menu, Boarding House Kid Edition

          Hello guys, welcome back to my article, this time i would like to tell you about my favorite cafe and my favorite menu in this cafe. Okay then here we go!

            As a Boarding House Kid i always searching for a cheapest place to go and you know what it is? Okay take it easy my friend, we need to reach 200 words so i need more word XD. So let’s get start on how i found this cafe.

            End of month is always being a terrible day, not just because you did not have a lot of money, but also you need to survive from starving haha XD, I found this cafe when i was driving along the sepakat 2 street, i ride here and there, just to find a way how i could survive for this month. It is a week before the september ends and i already on my lowbudget mode XD.After driving for a while, i decided to stop at a new open cafe in sepakat 2 Street, the Cafe was named Facefood Pontianak Cafe, I decided to stop at this cafe because i think maybe i need some coffee to refresh my mind :v so i’m going in to the cafe and when i sit down, the waitress of the cafe offering me some menu, so i take a look at the menu, and my eyes was fixed on one of the greatest menu i ever found, and the menu is named....... okay maybe you will be surprissed after hearing this menu XD. The menu is named “Geprek Chicken”. Wow it’s amazing isn’t it? hahaha.

            Maybe this sounds mainstream for you, but i liked this menu not without a reason, i like this menu because it’s cheap price wkwkwk.Yeah with only 10.000 Rupiah you can enjoy a chicken! XD a real chicken bro a real chicken not a plastic chicken XD. Maybe you are confused why i’m getting excited with 10.000 Rupiah Geprek Chicken, it because it’s the cheapest chicken i could find in sepakat 2 street and with this chicken I can still taste a chicken at the end of the month XD. Other than that, this menu is against the laws of nature, some people said that quality is directly proportional to quantity if you want a delicious food you have to pay more, but this food gives you a delcious taste of chicken at a cheap price. So, maybe if you want to taste a delicious chicken at the end of your month, you could go to this cafe i guarantee you this Geprek Chicken will make you sweat, besides this cafe offers you a cheap delicious food it also have a high speed internet connection, you could enjoy a high definiton youtube video without buffering while enjoying your meal.

            Okay guys it is the end of my review. See you on my next article. Thanks for reading my article guys. I appreciate it. Shazaaam.


  1. Are you sure Geprek Chicken is "cheap"? Its kinda "not cheap" for me...definition cheap for me is around 5K IDR

  2. Of course...i am indonesian, what do you think i am? A malaysian? American? Russian?

    1. Well i think you are from WkwkLand bruuh.... Hail for WkwkLand XD

    2. What are you talking about? Wkwkwk land? I never heard about Wkwkw land before... you are okay?

    3. Ouww I'm sorry my friend, but i think you should watch demian video On AGT, cause on that video, other people overseas of indonesian country, called indonesia as a wkwkland XD you should read the comment section it's so funny haha

    4. But in my book there is no Wkwk land...and why on earth indonesian can enter AGT?

    5. wew, it's a "zaman now" word my friend haha, and why indonesia people can enter AGT? maybe AGT judge just getting tired who knows XD


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