My food review


I am a person who loves eat, but actually I want to slim like a Korea girl hihihi...
I like spicy foods so much because that can make me eat again and again. One of them is “Ayam Geprek”. You know, I have been exploring some restaurant in Pontianak and I always order “Ayam Geprek” because I loves that. That restaurant are Ayam Geprek Bang Min, Ayam Geprek Bensu, Rumah Geprek Q’te, Ayam Geprek Bang Jack and other place. Hmmm, I forgot name of them. In other place we will get different taste, why? I don’t know.. I think, may be they have different flavor and different chef.
I like Ayam Geprek Bensu so much then other because Ayam Geprek Bensu is delicious and yummy. They prepare one until ten level chili and I always order five level, that is very spicy for me. And you can imagine how taste about ten level, wow... I don’t think about that, very hot. The located of Ayam Geprek Bensu at gang Raya III, Sungai Raya, Kubu Raya regency.
I know about Ayam Geprek Bensu from my friends, Aliyah and Nanda. After that, I and my friend, Ella Fradilla gone to that place. We start to seen Ayam Geprek Bensu’s menu, they are Ayam Geprek Serba Rp.5000, Paket Ayam Geprek Rp.15.000, Paket Geprek Keju Rp.20.000, Paket Geprek Leleh Rp.25.000, Mie Geprek Leleh Rp.25.000, Mie Ayam Geprek Rp.17.000 and Mie Geprek Keju Rp.22.000. We think, price of that food is not expensive. We still can buy that food. And then we order Ayam Geprek Rp 15.000 with five level. And finally, Ayam Geprek Rp 15.000 become our favorite food until know.

That’s is my experience in Exploring food like Ayam Geprek, and How about your experience?????


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